Amalie Stokholm home

Week 4

I am giving this summary work another shot, along with the new structure of the daily/weekly obsidian notes.

I still feel exhausted. I am running out of ways to treat it, other than sleeping more and more sunshine. Maybe it is just January.


Project asterism: I have changed the implementation of population_alphaMLT and heliumenrichmentlaw to a version where each only have two free parameters. I have tested this MLM and the results look great!

I am concerned that if I give narrowly sample the hyperparameters, I do not recover them as neatly as I would like. I am trying with more warm-up and if this does not work, I’ll switch strategy.

I am yet to look at the surface correction. I’ll prioritise it for next week.

Project PBJAM2.0: I am reading the draft and giving comments.

Project Rogue and Hennes: Referee report came back.

Project emmas catalogue: Referee report came back.



Postdoc rep:



Key things

Challenges for next week